Meet the Desktop Zoo

This is Siddhartha 1.  He was my first tarantula. He is an Avicularia avicularia, or Pink Toed Tarantula.

This is Sid 11, another Avicularia avicularia that came after Sid 1 passed away.

This is Nataraja, a Grammostola rosea also known as a Chilean Rose Hair tarantula.

This is Serj.  She is my A. chalcodes spiderling who is about 1/4".  She is also known as an Arizona Blond.

Serj 8.29.2010

This is Isis, my Brachypelma smithi. She is also known as a Mexican Red Knee, and is about 3/4".

Isis Molt 8.22.10

ISIS 8.29.2010 (1 1/4")

This is Tank, an Aphonopelma sp. "Davis Mountain Rusty.  Tank is about 1/2" and loves to hide!

Tank 8.29.10

This is Annabel Lee, a very tiny Lasidora parahybana who will one day grow to be anywhere from 9-11"!!!  Annabel Lee is also known as a Salmon Pink Bird Eater.  You wouldn't think so now, given her small size...

Alee Molt 8.20.2010:

Alee 8.29.2010

This is Raven, a sister of Anabel Lee.  I have seen this little one kick hairs when irritated! They are both about 1/8", and were named after poems by Edgar Alan Poe.

This is Aphrodite. She is about 1/4", and is a Brachypelma boehmei-pronounced BAY-MEE.  Her common names are Mexican Flame Leg, Mexican Fire Leg, and Mexican Beauty.  She derived her name from the latter.

This is Sarva-Shiva.  She is a smaller Grammostola rosea who's tank sits between Sid and Nata's on the desktop. 

This is my Nhandu chromatus.  I also have a Nhandu coloratvillosus that is never visible for picture time.

This is Zero, my Cyclosternum fasciatum.  He (or she?) is about 1 1/2" and is very territorial.

This is my N. coloratvillosus on a rare day out of its burrow!:

These are some Madagascar Hissing Cockroaches, Aeluropoda insignis.  Very cool looking bugs with an affinity for lettuce!
Blaptica Dubia Roaches:  The first photo is of a male, and the other 3 are the mother female, with babies. I used to feed these guys to the tarantulas, but I prefer to feed crickets.  Besides, I like watching these guys!